In the late hours of August 19, 2023, the Sulphur Springs Police Department was dispatched to the 1200 block of Carter Street in response to a vehicle collision. Upon arrival at the scene, officers encountered an unsettling sight: one of the drivers, identified as Randall Fountain, exhibiting signs of impairment.
Randall Fountain, a 43-year-old resident of Sulphur Springs, Texas, was found seated in the driver's seat of one of the vehicles involved in the crash. Officers immediately noted several indicators of potential intoxication during their initial conversation with Fountain. The strong smell of alcoholic beverage emanated from his person, accompanied by slurred speech, unsteady movements, and bloodshot eyes.
In an effort to determine Fountain's level of impairment, officers initiated standard field sobriety tests. However, these tests were cut short as Fountain struggled to complete even one of them. His difficulties were evident, prompting him to decline further participation in the tests.
Recognizing the severity of the situation, law enforcement officers took Fountain into custody on the grounds of operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol. Following his arrest, Fountain was read the necessary statutory warnings, and he subsequently provided consent for a blood specimen to be collected for further analysis.
Fountain was then transported to Christus Mother Frances Hospital, where medical professionals collected the blood specimen. After the procedure was completed, he was transported to the Hopkins County Jail, where he was officially booked and charged with DWI 3rd or More, a third-degree felony offense.