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Seven Points, Texas News

Couple Arrested After Sexual Abuse Investigation in Seven Points

On June 6, 2024, the Seven Points Police Department successfully arrested Ashton Todd Salsman and Mycala Joan Butler on an Arrest Warrant obtained and signed by Judge Scott McKee 392nd District Court on continuous sexual abuse of a child, which is a Felony of the 1st degree in the State of Texas.

Seven Points Assistant Chief J. Perrini and Detective J. Gomez took the lead in the full investigation which revealed positive evidence leading to the arrest of the suspects.

The Seven Points Police Department game special thanks to the Child Advocacy Center (Maggie's House) personnel, the Crimes Against Children Investigators, as well as the Henderson County District Attorney's Office for their assistance in the case.

"The arrest of Salsman and Butler is a significant step towards seeking justice for the victim and holding the perpetrators accountable for their heinous actions. The Seven Points community can rest assured that law enforcement is committed to protecting the most vulnerable members of society and ensuring that those who commit such despicable crimes are brought to justice.", said Chief R. Wennerstrom in a statement.

As the legal proceedings progress, the Seven Points Police Department promises to continue to work tirelessly to ensure that justice is served and that the victims receive the support and care from this traumatic experience.

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